Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of massage and bodywork?
Massage and bodywork can: release muscle tension and pain, improve circulation, increase flexibility, reduce mental and physical fatigue and stress, promote faster healing, improve posture and reduce blood pressure. Massage and bodywork is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration, reduce anxiety and create an overall sense of well-being.


The ability of massage and Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) to reduce pain and aid healing make it crucial for athletes and those with injuries or who are recovering from surgery. These therapies don’t just address a problem or area, but help reduce stress and promote better sleep, which in turn aid healing. Massage and FST can be critical factor in helping people return to their former, healthier selves.


Will I be covered during the session?
You will be properly covered or draped at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on will be exposed. No areas will be exposed without your consent. You should let your therapist know if you are uncomfortable for any reason during your session.

Must I be completely undressed?
You should undress to your desired level of comfort. Some clients prefer to be completely undressed and some keep their undergarments on. It’s completely up to you. You will undress and dress in private and will be covered by a blanket and sheet during your session.

Do I really need to share my medical history with my massage therapist?
Yes! Your first appointment probably involved an intake form, but just because you’ve filled that out doesn’t mean your therapist has all of the information she needs to give you the best possible experience. Be sure to let your therapist know if your health status changes: a new prescription, a bump you just noticed, or even a change in your workout routine—all of this can help your therapist provide you with the best care. Also, everything you say before, during and after your session is completely confidential!

How often should I receive a massage?
For those who use massage as preventative care or to manage daily stress, one massage a month is common. Weekly sessions may be desirable if you are receiving massage for injury relief or to relieve chronic tightness or pain. Twice a month is common for optimal therapeutic relief.

What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?
Prior to your session, feel free to ask any questions. During the massage, make yourself comfortable. Your therapist will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session, such as lifting your arm. Many people just close their eyes and completely relax, communicating if/when they need more or less pressure, are too hot or too cold or anything else. If you have any questions or requests, please speak up. The session is for you.

I’m not in good shape, nor am I very flexible. How will that affect the kind of massage and stretch I get?
Every person is different. A good massage therapist has respect for every individual and their unique body and abilities. We welcome everyone whatever their physical build, appearance or able-ness.

How will I feel after my session?
Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience freedom from aches and pains from tension or repetitive activity. After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness and greater productivity that lasts for days. A lot of people even report sleeping better after a massage.